
Release overhaul

General overhaul of Tost releases
Please find here some important hints regarding
the overhaul of releases in our works

Important information – please always indicate

• In which type of glider is the release installed?
• Position of the lever
• Any abnormalities during operation
• Delivery address – if different from invoice address
• Complete contact data: phone, fax, email
• Please indicate the way payment you prefer

You can also use the order form

The overhaul will take approx. 2 weeks


Send your releases to

Tost GmbH Flugzeuggerätebau
Thalkirchner Straße 62
80337 München

New TBO of Tost releases

valid from July 2001


TBO 2000 Starts

TBO 2000 launches accordingly 10.000 actuations

Life limiting part is the release spring, with a life expectancy of about 10.000 actuations. With about 5 actuations in normal flight operation – like in Germany – this is, as before, 2000 launches.

Should you have more actuations per launch in pure training operation the TBO is reduced accordingly (e. g. with 8 actuations per launch the TBO would be 1250 launches).

If you have only 2 actuations per launch, the TBO consequentially would be 5000 launches.

This decision – after how many launches the 10.000 actuations are accomplished – is in the responsibility of the aircraft holder.

If both releases are actuated together (like in Germany) both releases have to be sent for overhaul after having performed the adequate number of launches.

The life limit of 4 years is replaced by a manufacturer’s recommendation.


The new regulation had been published from the LBA in the “NfL” on July 12, 2001 and therefore is valid right now.


Please note that the new regulation can be applied only to releases which had a valid certificate in 2001!

For your documentation, you can print the following documents (see right hand):

  • valid Nfl II – 16/02
  • Technische Mitteilung TM 1-2001
  • LTA Nr. 1989 – 018/3, published from LBA on 02.05.2002
  • Technische Mitteilung Nr. 60.230/2-4/88